tyler on the put in falls to Mazy

Tyler on the second Lily falls, Tyler was the third one to give the falls a go, only a minute before most of the group along with a gathering of locals watched as Rush and Ian flez off the monst two tiered 75 foot falls.

Lane Jacobs on round two of the Chutes du Lily, fired up for revenge, we were all able to run this drop atleast once and some even went back for a second round. very cool to see the drop with higher flow.

Pat Camblin on Chutes du Lily

The group has been amazingly psyched with the quality of falls and slides we have seen. only having been in the country for a week now we have already found 4 amazing sections of river and 4 large waterfalls along with kilometers of great rapids and slides. We have now moved south in search of more drops and very appealing drainages, that will keep us busy for the next bit, of which a few include some nights out in the bush.
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